The Wilderness

Store The Wilderness TO BUY . . . . . .COMING SOON The Wilderness was commissioned by St. Clements church in 2019 for service use as part of their lenten preaching series, “the Wilderness”. It was my first time writing for choir with Organ, and the assistance of music Director Dan Webb was greatly appreciated […]
When David Heard

Store When David Heard TO BUY . . . . . .COMING SOON This setting of When David Heard is inspired by the raw power of grief conveyed through this simple yet evocative text. The piece uses various vocal textures and effects to communicate the various stages and emotions felt while grieving, from unison lines, […]
Even When He is Silent

Store Even When He is Silent TO BUY . . . . . .COMING SOON This piece is a setting of a text found scrawled on the wall of a concentration camp in Cologne, Germany. It is meant to convey a feeling of hope that remains steadfast in dark times. The piece is in 3 […]
Unseen Joy

Store Unseen Joy TO BUY . . . . . .COMING SOON Program note: Unseen Joy was written in the fall of 2018 after a life changing week of singing with the Ontario Youth Choir under the direction of Jon Washburn. The piece is a setting of a poem by Jon Washburn that describes the […]